Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's been five years since this blog began, five years since the very substantial slice and dice which some believed would availeth nought, and yet, here indeed we are. Cause for quiet rejoicing, and gratitude for such serendipity and luck and grace that has brought us to this day. It is hard, of course, to treat every day as a blessing, especially those which seem to consist entirely of plans gone agley, words misspoke, machines stubbornly reluctant, food burnt or spoiled, tears, frustration, resentment and misery of one sort or another. Yet, perhaps by these smaller trials, reminders in miniature of those greater and substantial challenges, it becomes easier to treat those other days, which are far more plentiful, more enjoyable and more in keeping with our hearts' desires, with the respect and thanks so greatly deserved.


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